Fatawa of Permanent Committee
Marriage between relatives
Announcing marriage and Walimah
Bid`ahs related to marriage
Various issues concerning marriage
Hastening marriage when it is affordable
Marriage contract
The essential elements in a marriage contract
Proposing to a married woman
Women unlawful in marriage
Marrying female slaves
Miscellaneous issues concerning marriage
Marrying two related women
Conditions of marriage
Shighar marriage
Tahlil marriage
Mut`ah marriage
Physical and psychological defects of the spouses
Marrying Kafirs
Borrowing to pay Mahr
Agreeing on specifying the amount of the Mahr
Delaying the Mahr or part of it
Distribution among the wives
A wife asking for money to return to her husband's house
Treating the wife
Having sexual intercourse before and after concluding the marriage contract
Sexual intercourse during menses
Birth control
The husband's absence from his wife
Etiquettes of sexual intercourse
Woman leaving her house without her husband's permission
Disagreement between spouses
Hastening marriage when it is affordable
Permanently unmarriageable female relatives
A woman left her young child in
A man married a woman, then divorced
A woman married a man and gave
If a person''s brother has a daughter
I have a brother who has a son
The ruling on the wife''s uncle
I married the daughter of my full-brother''s
Is it permissible
Your paternal grandfather married
Whether it is permissible
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Marriage between relatives
Marrying a paternal cousin
Marriage between relatives
A woman marrying her brother's paternal cousin who is his maternal half brother
Marriage between relatives
A man marrying a cousin raised with him
Marriage between relatives
Marrying the grandmother's step-daughter
Marriage between relatives
Marrying the paternal cousin's daughter
Marriage between relatives
Being married to two cousins at the same time
Marriage between relatives
Marrying the stepmother's daughter
Marriage between relatives
Marrying the paternal cousin of the father
Marriage between relatives
Announcing marriage and Walimah
Giving a sermon at wedding halls
Announcing marriage and Walimah
Is it lawful to accept invitations that involve Munkar when change unavoidable?
Announcing marriage and Walimah
Is it permissible to accept invitations that involve Munkar when change unavoidable?
Announcing marriage and Walimah
Weddings, birthday parties, and other celebrations
Announcing marriage and Walimah
Beating the Duff
Announcing marriage and Walimah
Having pop singer in the wedding
Announcing marriage and Walimah
Many people attending marriage contract
Announcing marriage and Walimah
A man beating the Duff
Announcing marriage and Walimah
Bid`ahs related to marriage
Concluding the marriage contract at zodiac times
Bid`ahs related to marriage
Pre-Islamic erroneous practices related to marriage
Bid`ahs related to marriage
Reciting Al-Fatihah at the engagement
Bid`ahs related to marriage
Wedding ring
Bid`ahs related to marriage
Wearing a wedding ring
Bid`ahs related to marriage
Applying Henna on the wedding night
Bid`ahs related to marriage
Practices for women to remain chaste
Bid`ahs related to marriage
Tying a spell around the groom's wrist
Bid`ahs related to marriage
Various issues concerning marriage
Ruling on marriage
Various issues concerning marriage
It is the Sunnah for youth to hasten
Various issues concerning marriage
Hastening marriage when it is affordable
Neglecting marriage by someone who can afford it
Hastening marriage when it is affordable
Father's permission in marriage: Obligatory or not?
Hastening marriage when it is affordable
Mariya Al-Qibtiyyah as one of the Mothers of the Believers
Hastening marriage when it is affordable
Deserting his family for refusing his marriage
Hastening marriage when it is affordable
Waiting for the end of the `Iddah of the divorced fourth wife before marrying again
Hastening marriage when it is affordable
Waiting for the end of `Iddah after the death of someone's wife before marrying her sister
Hastening marriage when it is affordable
Giving precedence to marriage over sending parents to perform Hajj
Hastening marriage when it is affordable
Giving preference to marriage over Hajj in fear of committing adultery
Hastening marriage when it is affordable
Choosing a wife
The guardian's responsibility towards the fiancee
Choosing a husband
Is it lawful for a woman to propose to a man?
Leaving one's fiancée for another man
The fiancee uncovering her face in the presence of the suitor
Taking the woman's opinion in marriage
Proposing to an engaged woman
Marriage contract
Marriage contract formulas
Marriage contract
Sunnah regarding concluding a marriage contract
Marriage contract
Concluding a marriage contract in writing only
Marriage contract
Registering the marriage contract
Marriage contract
Contracting marriage without the attendance of a Ma'dhun
Marriage contract
Concluding a marriage contract for a deaf person
Marriage contract
Is it lawful for a Ma'dhun to conclude his own marriage contract?
Marriage contract
A man concluding marriage for himself
Marriage contract
The essential elements in a marriage contract
Both spouses being free from impediments
The essential elements in a marriage contract
I made a written, endorsed Wakalah
The essential elements in a marriage contract
My father concluded my marriage
The essential elements in a marriage contract
Mutual consent of the spouses
The essential elements in a marriage contract
To contract the marriage of a young girl
The essential elements in a marriage contract
The Prophet''s marriage to `A''ishah
The essential elements in a marriage contract
Wanted to give her in marriage to his nephew
The essential elements in a marriage contract
What is the ruling on a woman who
The essential elements in a marriage contract
Proposing to a married woman
Proposing to an already married woman
Proposing to a married woman
A woman marrying another man without being divorced from the first
Proposing to a married woman
Women unlawful in marriage
Temporary Prohibition
Women unlawful in marriage
Marry two sisters at the same time
Women unlawful in marriage
Marrying two sisters at the same time
Women unlawful in marriage
What is the ruling on marrying
Women unlawful in marriage
Is it permissible for me to marry two sisters
Women unlawful in marriage
Two wives
Women unlawful in marriage
It is permissible for a man, who
Women unlawful in marriage
It is Haram to marry two sisters at the same time
Women unlawful in marriage
Marrying female slaves
Those whom the right hand possesses
Marrying female slaves
Is it lawful for a woman who owns a slave to have sexual intercourse with him?
Marrying female slaves
Miscellaneous issues concerning marriage
Does drinking or serving Khamr affect the validity of the marriage contract?
Miscellaneous issues concerning marriage
Marrying a brother's ex-wife
Miscellaneous issues concerning marriage
Marrying the paternal uncle's former wife
Miscellaneous issues concerning marriage
Marrying the maternal uncle's former wife
Miscellaneous issues concerning marriage
Marrying the paternal cousin
Miscellaneous issues concerning marriage
Marrying the paternal second cousin
Miscellaneous issues concerning marriage
A maternal half-sister marrying a paternal half-brother
Miscellaneous issues concerning marriage
Marrying two related women
Marrying two paternal cousins at the same time
Marrying two related women
Marrying the maternal cousin
Marrying two related women
Being married to a woman and her paternal cousin at the same time
Marrying two related women
Being married to someone's maternal half-sister and a paternal half-sister at the same time
Marrying two related women
Being married to a woman and her former mother-in-law at the same time
Marrying two related women
Being married to a woman and another whose father is married to the first's mother at the same time
Marrying two related women
Being married to a woman and her paternal cousin at the same time
Marrying two related women
Being married to paternal and maternal cousins at the same time
Marrying two related women
Conditions of marriage
A wife stipulating her husband divorcing his other wife
Conditions of marriage
Stipulating in the marriage contract that if the husband marries another woman the contract will be terminated
Conditions of marriage
Stipulating not to marry again but having to do so later
Conditions of marriage
Is it necessary to take the wife's permission to remarry?
Conditions of marriage
Validity of the marriage contract despite hiding some matters when concluding it
Conditions of marriage
A wife stipulating remaining at her town
Conditions of marriage
A woman giving up some of her rights
Conditions of marriage
Stipulating the husband's payment of an amount of money to the wife upon the consummation of marriage
Conditions of marriage
Shighar marriage
Ruling on Shighar marriage
Shighar marriage
Marriage without stipulation
Shighar marriage
Proposing to someone's sister and offering his daughter as a wife instead of paying Mahr
Shighar marriage
Giving his sister in marriage to his maternal cousin and proposing to the cousin's sister for a separate Mahr
Shighar marriage
Barter marriage
Shighar marriage
Proposing to a girl and her father saying they may propose to one of his relatives
Shighar marriage
A father giving his sister in marriage to a man in return for marrying his son to the other's daughter
Shighar marriage
Is it Shighar if the Waly stipulates receiving an amount of money apart from Mahr?
Shighar marriage
Tahlil marriage
Returning to his wife after giving her an irrevocable divorce and the wife marrying another who divorced her without consummating the marriage
Tahlil marriage
Shar`y way of divorcing a wife and making her lawful again to the ex-husband
Tahlil marriage
Mut`ah marriage
Ruling on Mut`ah marriage
Mut`ah marriage
Marriage during a husband's travel period
Mut`ah marriage
Islamic ruling on temporary marriage
Mut`ah marriage
Mut`ah marriage for anyone who fears Fitnah
Mut`ah marriage
Physical and psychological defects of the spouses
The wife hiding non-virginity due to an accident from the husband
Physical and psychological defects of the spouses
Asking husband about his wife's virginity
Physical and psychological defects of the spouses
Validity of marriage to a woman who turns out to be not virgin
Physical and psychological defects of the spouses
Validity of marriage to a woman who turns out to be non-virgin
Physical and psychological defects of the spouses
Six months as the least duration for pregnancy
Physical and psychological defects of the spouses
Is it permissible for a sterile man to marry?
Physical and psychological defects of the spouses
Marrying a sterile person
Physical and psychological defects of the spouses
A man hiding his sterility from his wife
Physical and psychological defects of the spouses
Marrying Kafirs
Someone entering Islam while married to women unlawful to marry
Marrying Kafirs
Is it lawful for a wife who enters Islam to inform her husband?
Marrying Kafirs
Ruling on a Muslim woman remaining with a non-Muslim husband
Marrying Kafirs
Circumcising a Muslim convert
Marrying Kafirs
A Muslim convert remaining with a non-Muslim husband
Marrying Kafirs
A Muslim woman remaining married to a non-Muslim husband
Marrying Kafirs
Validity of marriage when the spouses enter Islam
Marrying Kafirs
The marriage contract of two married non-Muslims who enter Islam
Marrying Kafirs
Fixing Mahr
Marrying a woman without paying Mahr
Offering Mahr in the form of commodity
Obligation of husband giving Mahr
Husband offering the Mus-haf as Mahr
Stipulating `Umrah as Mahr
Husband's in-laws giving him money
Registering everything the husband offers in a list
Borrowing to pay Mahr
Borrowing to pay Mahr
Borrowing to pay Mahr
Delaying a part of Mahr
Borrowing to pay Mahr
Borrowing to get married
Borrowing to pay Mahr
Agreeing on specifying the amount of the Mahr
Agreeing on specifying the amount of the Mahr
Agreeing on specifying the amount of the Mahr
A husband accepting help in paying for marriage costs
Agreeing on specifying the amount of the Mahr
Helping someone marry without binding him or waiting for a compensation
Agreeing on specifying the amount of the Mahr
Accepting provision from the father-in-law
Agreeing on specifying the amount of the Mahr
Should the amount of Mahr be mentioned in the marriage contract?
Agreeing on specifying the amount of the Mahr
Mahr as not a pillar in the marriage contract
Agreeing on specifying the amount of the Mahr
Delaying the Mahr or part of it
Is it permissible to delay the Mahr or part of it?
Delaying the Mahr or part of it
Is it lawful to delay the Mahr or part of it?
Delaying the Mahr or part of it
Wife deserving the entire Mahr if the marriage has been consummated
Delaying the Mahr or part of it
Remaining Mahr as wife's right in her deceased husband's property
Delaying the Mahr or part of it
Mahr as a debt which must be paid
Delaying the Mahr or part of it
Full Mahr as the woman's right if the husband dies before consummating marriage
Delaying the Mahr or part of it
Repaying deferred Mahr upon the wife's request or becoming due
Delaying the Mahr or part of it
Recording the deferred Mahr in the marriage contract
Delaying the Mahr or part of it
Spouses agreeing on staying away from each other for certain time
Forbidding the wife from going out to a doubted place
Woman leaving her husband's house without his permission
A woman going to her father's house without her husband's permission
Woman going out to fulfill a lawful contract
Legal marital rights after contracting marriage and before consummation
Man informing his wife about his time of arrival from a journey
Wife allowing people to enter her husband's house in his absence
Prohibiting a wife from obeying her husband in an act of disobedience
Distribution among the wives
The Messenger's marriages
Distribution among the wives
Prohibition of marrying more than four wives simultaneously
Distribution among the wives
Wisdom behind the permissibility of polygamy
Distribution among the wives
New wife's right in spending the night with her
Distribution among the wives
Cancelling a co-wife's share due to her illness
Distribution among the wives
Cancelling the share of a co-wife beyond the age of child bearing
Distribution among the wives
Distributing everything between the wives equally or with their consent
Distribution among the wives
Giving a wife money equal to the other wife's pension
Distribution among the wives
A wife asking for money to return to her husband's house
Husband exceeding limits in reviling
A wife asking for money to return to her husband's house
Basic rule is the wife's chastity
A wife asking for money to return to her husband's house
Husband showing no love to his wife
A wife asking for money to return to her husband's house
Referring to the wife by saying 'my children'
A wife asking for money to return to her husband's house
Husband paying his wife money equal to the gold he took from her
A wife asking for money to return to her husband's house
Husband giving his wife some properties for giving him a loan
A wife asking for money to return to her husband's house
Treating the wife
Jurists' difference concerning wife's treatment
Treating the wife
Treating the wife as an act of good companionship
Treating the wife
Husband's duties
Treating the wife
Fasting in the presence of the husband
Treating the wife
Ruling on Fak Al-Wizrah
Treating the wife
Wife serving her parents-in-law
Treating the wife
Wife's kindness to the parents-in-law as an act of good companionship
Treating the wife
Wife hating her father-in-law
Treating the wife
Having sexual intercourse before and after concluding the marriage contract
Khulwah after concluding the marriage contract and before announcing marriage
Having sexual intercourse before and after concluding the marriage contract
Man seeing his fiancee
Having sexual intercourse before and after concluding the marriage contract
Having sexual intercourse with the wife before the wedding
Having sexual intercourse before and after concluding the marriage contract
Having sexual intercourse during the engagement
Having sexual intercourse before and after concluding the marriage contract
Sexual intercourse during menses
Sexual intercourse during menses
Sexual intercourse during menses
Menstruating woman approving of having sexual intercourse with her husband
Sexual intercourse during menses
Having sexual intercourse on the eve of `Eid or on Lailat-ul-Qadr
Sexual intercourse during menses
Having sexual intercourse in the postpartum period
Sexual intercourse during menses
Having intercourse with his menstruating wife more than once
Sexual intercourse during menses
Paying Kaffarah to his children for having intercourse with his menstruating wife
Sexual intercourse during menses
Seeing blood after having intercourse and purification from the menses
Sexual intercourse during menses
Fondling a menstruating wife
Sexual intercourse during menses
Birth control
Using contraceptives due to having many children
Birth control
Family planning through birth control
Birth control
Contraceptives and birth control
Birth control
Difference between birth control and family planning
Birth control
Delaying having children
Birth control
Resorting to birth control for raising children
Birth control
Resorting to birth control due to poverty
Birth control
Resorting to birth control not to have a deformed child
Birth control
The husband's absence from his wife
Husband being absent from his wife for a long period
The husband's absence from his wife
The period a wife should wait for her absent husband
The husband's absence from his wife
Spouses agreeing on the husband's absence for a while
The husband's absence from his wife
Could the wife be deemed divorced after a husband's long period of absence?
The husband's absence from his wife
Abstaining from having intimate relations with the wife before and after traveling
The husband's absence from his wife
Traveling for a necessity and with mutual consent of the spouses
The husband's absence from his wife
Husband traveling and the wife refusing to accompany him
The husband's absence from his wife
Family preventing their daughter from traveling with her husband
The husband's absence from his wife
Etiquettes of sexual intercourse
Having intimate relations more than once and delaying taking Ghusl
Etiquettes of sexual intercourse
A man performing Wudu' each time he has intercourse with his wife
Etiquettes of sexual intercourse
A husband sucking his wife's breast while having intercourse
Etiquettes of sexual intercourse
Enjoying the wife's whole body
Etiquettes of sexual intercourse
Having vaginal sex with the wife from behind
Etiquettes of sexual intercourse
Having intercourse with a pregnant woman
Etiquettes of sexual intercourse
Supplication said upon having intercourse
Etiquettes of sexual intercourse
Wife's duty towards her husband
Etiquettes of sexual intercourse
Woman leaving her house without her husband's permission
Going out to the market without her husband's permission
Woman leaving her house without her husband's permission
Woman going out adorned
Woman leaving her house without her husband's permission
Wife going out of her husband's house
Woman leaving her house without her husband's permission
Wife going out for some errands while observing decency
Woman leaving her house without her husband's permission
Wife going out to visit her relatives and neighbors
Woman leaving her house without her husband's permission
Going out without the husband's permission to work or to visit others
Woman leaving her house without her husband's permission
Wife visiting her parents once a week
Woman leaving her house without her husband's permission
Obeying the husband and asking his permission to go out
Woman leaving her house without her husband's permission
Disagreement between spouses
Marital discord
Disagreement between spouses
Is she still considered to be his
Disagreement between spouses
Meaning of Nushuz
Disagreement between spouses
Man asking for his daughter's divorce as the husband is a drunkard
Disagreement between spouses
Deterioration of relations between the spouses
Disagreement between spouses
Keeping away from the wife after revoking the divorce
Disagreement between spouses
Turning a wife against her husband
Disagreement between spouses
Wife denying the husband's rights and people turning her against him
Disagreement between spouses
Lawfulness of revoking Khul`
Is it lawful for a husband to revoke Khul`?
Revoking Khul` with a new marriage contract after one pronouncement of divorce
Giving up the Khul` consideration does not make divorce ineffective
Revoking divorce granted in return for providing for the children
A man granting his wife Khul` then changing their minds
Granting Khul` for more than what has been paid
A man granting his wife Khul` and wishing to revoke it against her will
Marrying female slaves
Is it permissible
I did not consummate the marriage
Is it permissible for a man to
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Distributing things among wives and Nushuz
A man married a woman but they
Abortion for fear of the deformation of the fetus
I married the daughter of my full-brother''s