



Definition of Meeqat

Al-Meeqat literal meaning

The boundary between two things.

Al-Meeqat in the context of the Shari‘ah

Something defined and scheduled-whether in place or time-by the Lawgiver (Allah or His Messenger) for the purpose of worship.

Types of Al-Mawaqeet

Firstly: Mawaqeet of place (designated places)

The designated places

Places that the Lawgiver has designated as points for entering into the state of Ihram.

It is therefore not permissible for the person who intends to perform Hajj or ‘Umrah to go beyond them except in the state of Ihram; and the Mawaqeet are five[ Al-Mawaqeet wa Ab’aduha– by Shaykh Abdullah Al-Bassam, Majma’ul Fiqhil al-Islamiy Journal, Issue 3 vol. 3, pg 1553.]:

1- Dhul-Hulayfah:

It is presently at the southern part of Al Madinah and it is referred to also as Abyar Ali. Its distance from Makkah is close to 420km. It is the meeqat for the people of Madinah.

Dhul-Hulayfah Dhul-Hulayfah

2- Al-Juhfah:

It is close to the city of Rabigh. Its distance from Makkah is close to 186km. It is the meeqat for the people of Sham, Egypt and Maghrib (Morocco).

Al-Juhfah Al-Juhfah

3- Yalamlam

It is a big valley on the route linking Yemen to Makkah. Nowadays, it is called As-Sa’diyyah. Its distance from Makkah is close to 120km. It is the meeqat of the people of Yemen.

Yalamlam (As-Sa‘diyyah) Yalamlam (As-Sa‘diyyah)

4-Qarnul Manazil

It is now called As-Saylul Kabeer and its distance from Makkah is close to 75km. It is the meeqat of the people of Najd and Ta’if. Its highest point on the route from Ta’if in the direction of al-Hadaa is a place called Wadee Muhrim. Both are meeqat for the people of Najd and anyone who comes through Ta’if.

Qarnul Manazil (As-Sayl) Qarnul Manazil (As-Sayl)

5-Dhatu ‘Irq

It is presently called Ad-Dareebah or Al-Khareebaat. It is on the east of Makkah at a distance of about 100km. It has now been abandoned. It is the meeqat of the people from the east (Iraq, Iran and beyond).

The evidence for the above is what was narrated on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas t who said that: “The Messenger of Allah made as meeqat for the people of Madinah Dhul-Hulayfah, and for the people of Sham Al-Juhfah, and for the people of Najd Qarnul Manaazil, and for the people of Yemen, Yalamlam.” He ﷺ said: “Those meeqat are for their residents and non-residents who pass through them with the intention of making Hajj or ‘Umrah; as for anyone coming from a place nearer to Makkah, then his meeqat will be the very point at which he starts the journey for Hajj or Umrah, including the people of Makkah who will start from Makkah.” [ Agreed upon.]

Dhatu ‘Irq is not mentioned in the above hadith, as it was prescribed by Umar ibn al-Khattab t. [ Bukhari.]

Dhatu ‘Irq (Al-Khuraybat) Dhatu ‘Irq (Al-Khuraybat)
hatu ‘Irq

Secondly: Mawaqeet of Time

Mawaqeet of Time

The period of Hajj and ‘Umrah

1- The specified period for Hajj:

the months of Hajj, and they are: Shawal, Dhul Qa’dah and the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah.

2-The specified period for ‘Umrah:

the whole year.


- Whoever goes beyond these mawaqeet without entering into the state of Ihram, he would then have to go back to the meeqat if possible. If he is not able to do that, he has to pay fedya (a ransom), which is slaughtering an animal in Makkah and distributing its meat among the poor at the Haram.

- Whoever passes these mawaqeet and is not one of their residents, he has to enter into the state of Ihram at it. If a resident of Najd comes from the road of Madinah, he has to enter into the state of Ihram at Abyar ‘Ali.

- Whoever resides at a place after the meeqat, nearer to Makkah, he has to enter into the state of Ihram for Hajj and ‘Umrah from the place he resides, such as the residents of Jeddah, Bahra and Ash-shara’i.

- Whoever comes from a road that does not pass by the mawaqeet, by land, sea or air, he should then enter into the state of Ihram when he reaches the place adjoining the nearest meeqat to him, for Omar said, when asked about not being able to reach the meeqat of Qarn: “Take as your meeqat the place adjoining (Qarn) on your usual route.

 - Whoever intends to perform Hajj when he is in Makkah, whether he is one of its residents or not, he should enter into the state of Ihram from Makkah. As for performing ‘Umrah, he should enter into the state of Ihram from the area of Al-Hil, at At-Tan’eem or Aj-ji’rana masjids, which are places outside the boundaries of Al-Haram.