Losing consciousness during Friday Khutbah

Q 2: During the Friday Khutbah (sermon), one of the worshippers fainted in the Masjid (mosque) and he was very sick, especially that he had had a heart attack before. Two of the worshippers stood to help him and sit him down. He asked them to take him out of the Masjid due to him being unable to stay and complete the Salah (prayer). When they stood to help him and take him home or to the hospital, the Khatib (preacher) forbade them and told them to leave him in the Masjid and if he died, he would thus die in the Masjid. That man stayed lying on his back until Salah was over.The question is: Was what the two mentioned men did to help that sick man during the Khutbah not permissible? Are they considered from those who engage in idle activities during Salah? We know that if a man says to someone "keep silent" during the Khutbah, he will be considered as indulging in idle talk and will receive no reward for offering the Jumu`ah. Was what the Imam did, forbidding people from helping that sick man, right or wrong? (Part No. 7; Page No. 137) What should he have done? If something like that happens during the Khutbah, what should be done? Please advise us, may Allah reward you with the best!

A: What these two men did, trying to help that sick man, is what should be done. We do not believe that what the Kahtib did is right. We ask Allah to forgive him.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
