The difference between saying 'My articulation of the Qur'an is created' and 'The Qur'an is created'

Q 1: What is the difference between one who says: "My articulation of the Qur'an is created" and one who says: "The Qur'an is created"? A: The difference between the two statements is that claiming that the Qur'an is created is a statement of Kufr (disbelief) that takes the Muslim out of Islam. The authoritative Muslim ruler must ask such a person to repent; if he repents and desists from saying this, he is forgiven; otherwise, he is subject to capital punishment after presenting the truth to him. Whoever claims this is similar to the heretics of pantheism, unionism, Al-Jahmiyyah (a deviant Islamic sect denying some Attributes of Allah, claiming they are ascribed to people and cannot be ascribed to Allah) and Al-Mu`tazilah (a deviant Islamic sect claiming that those who commit major sins are in a state between belief and disbelief) who claimed that the Qur'an was created. Indeed, the Qur'an is Allah's Words, for speech is one of Allah's Attributes. He (Glorified be He) is characterized by all Perfect Attributes, and His Attributes are inherently inseparable from His Divine Self. (Part No. 3; Page No. 17

A: The difference between the two statements is that claiming that the Qur'an is created is a statement of Kufr (disbelief) that takes the Muslim out of Islam. The authoritative Muslim ruler must ask such a person to repent; if he repents and desists from saying this, he is forgiven; otherwise, he is subject to capital punishment after presenting the truth to him. Whoever claims this is similar to the heretics of pantheism, unionism, Al-Jahmiyyah (a deviant Islamic sect denying some Attributes of Allah, claiming they are ascribed to people and cannot be ascribed to Allah) and Al-Mu`tazilah (a deviant Islamic sect claiming that those who commit major sins are in a state between belief and disbelief) who claimed that the Qur'an was created. Indeed, the Qur'an is Allah's Words, for speech is one of Allah's Attributes. He (Glorified be He) is characterized by all Perfect Attributes, and His Attributes are inherently inseparable from His Divine Self. (Part No. 3; Page No. 17) Thus, there is no separation between Himself and His Attributes. Like His Self, His attributes differ from those of His creatures. The speech of the Creator of mankind is unlike the speech of mankind. According to the consensus of scholars of the Salaf (righteous predecessors), anyone who claims this false statement is a Kafir (disbeliever).Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (may Allah be merciful to him) said: "Whoever claims that the Qur'an is created is a Kafir in our opinion, for the Qur'an is part of the Knowledge of Allah and includes the Names of Allah. Thus, when a person says that knowledge is created, he is a Kafir because he claims that Allah did not have knowledge until He created it." Sufyan Al-Thawry (may Allah be merciful to him) said: "Whoever claims that the Saying of Allah: "O Mûsâ (Moses)! Verily it is I, Allâh, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. Is created, is a Kafir and must be sentenced to capital punishment."Similarly, Imam Malik, Ibn `Uyaynah, Yahya ibn Ma`in and others maintain that such a person is a Kafir.As for those who say that one's articulation of the Qur'an is created, it is an ambiguous statement that should be examined. If they mean the voice, it will be accepted; however, if they mean the words uttered, i.e. the Qur'an, it is falsehood. This is the doctrine of Al-Jahmiyyah and Al-Mu`tazilah. So, one must refrain from this general expression and be precise in order to avoid falling into what the heretics have fallen into. (Part No. 3; Page No. 18) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
